Environmental Issues and Projects

Blue/Green Algae Blooms: Under the right conditions, blue green algae blooms, also known as cyanobacteria, create a floating, slick scum that looks unappealing and can be harmful if swallowed. "one of the requirements for algae growth is to have warm water. Be aware that with the warmer temperatures, we will experience warmer water and an increased potential for algae blooms.

Invasive Plant Species: These aggressive plants, once introduced into the environment in which they are not native, muscle out the native species in turn causing an imbalance to the natural environment, in time, this can be fatal for the flora and fauna in the area.

Purple loostrife has been seen on the river and on Hartley Bay Road this past summer. In years past, the FRDA executive was responsible for releasing beetles into the environment to combat the spread. It appears that this biological measure is working however, the spread will continue to be monitored.

In addition, late last summer, volunteers worked to curb the spread of phragmites along Hartley Bay Road. Through volunteers, this effort will continue into the season to follow.

Recreational Fishing in Ontario: The FRDA provided input to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of their Draft Fisheries Management Plan for Zone 10. Their website provides details of the changes made to the limits at the end of 2022. It can be found by inputting Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary in your search engine or inputting the address as follows: https://www.ontario.ca/files/2023-07/mnrf-fwsb-fishing-regulations-summary-en-2023-05-11.pdf

Memorial Ridge: This site is maintained by the association and member volunteers. It provides space to honour those we have lost from the French River Delta and a place to display name plates of our dearly departed. Much additional maintenance was done to the trail and site this year through our member volunteers. In addition, new seating was purchased and assembled at the site. Name plates have been ordered for the families of the most recent departed.

River Clean Up: This is an annual event in which our community gets together to rid the river of unwanted and environmentally harmful garbage. It is always co-ordinated with the municipality free waste week. This past year the week designated by the municipality was July 7 to 16.

Abandoned Docks: The removal of abandoned docks began with volunteers through the Youth Stewardship program in August of the past year. It was continued by our member volunteers and will resume this spring.

French River Provincial Park: The executive of the FRDA communicates with the park staff on matters where the park has jurisdiction and involves Delta Association members and park visitors. These may be matters of conduct and safety involving visitors to the park such as campers and boaters. Matters related to camp sites and disturbances, safety issues brought forward by stakeholders , posting signage at the Crooked Rapids advising of dangers to paddlers and a site specific reservation system for camp sites in the park.